estudiar turismo

To Study tourism in Barcelona it is necessary that you are a very sociable person, that it is easy for you to learn new languages ​​and that you want to know the world, travel, interact with other people and their cultures or simply promote everything positive that your country has to offer; This is a race that offers very positive and fun aspects.

Tourism is one of the most important activities in a country, so much so that it can become the only or the most important sustenance; Studying tourism in Barcelona will make you an important link in the economy and worldwide recognition of your country ; If you are interested in undertaking this adventure, read to the end to discover the best places for your training.

Why Study tourism in Barcelona?

Studying tourism in Barcelona will make you contemplate the beauty of your country from another point of view, especially those that are related to society, culture and sport, always associating them with creativity, enjoyment and free time on vacation, the best of all is that it leaves good economic profits both at an industrial level and at an individual level; In this area there are always good sources of employment for the population and it is something that greatly benefits the tourism professional.

When studying tourism in Barcelona you will surround yourself with charismatic people, who establish good relationships with people and who have the power to innovate quickly , so that they easily adapt to the environment and make tourism a very pleasant experience for others. Always taking into account society, the economy and expanding globally to have your own successful venture, in tourism the possibilities are endless.

5 places to study tourism in Barcelona

If you decide to study tourism in Barcelona, ​​you must bear in mind that you will begin to be part of one of the most important economic activities in Spain, so it is vital that your training be of quality, that is why we will show you excellent places to start in this professional world:

University of Barcelona

The best graduates in tourism are those who decide to study tourism in Barcelona, ​​specifically at the UB; This house of studies is in charge of training the best professionals with excellent training in response to the challenges that this sector constantly faces in terms of sustainability, development, innovation and profits. By studying at the University of Barcelona, ​​you will get the necessary tools to survive in any situation.

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Ostelea Tourism Management School

OTMS is an ideal international university center for studying tourism in Barcelona, ​​for many years in its long history it has specialized in training leaders, managers and specialized personnel for the tourism industry, always with great passion for service and openness to multicultural visions.

In this institute you will embark on a path of social, economic and cultural development that is sustainable in the modern tourism industry, guaranteeing your professional development and the maintenance of your long-term earnings in such a demanding market; All the knowledge you will acquire is applicable to the practical life of the tourism graduate.


In this tourism school you will have a multifunctional training, since they focus on tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, so you will be able to work integrally in many areas, becoming indispensable personnel under many situations, with a special global and multicultural approach so that you can practice anywhere in the world.

They offer a great probability of success and independence to their students thanks to the funded teaching programs that allow them to develop in a scientific, social and human way. The syllabus they offer is very broad, and if you already have a university degree, this certificate will ultimately add many good points to your curriculum summary.

Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Sant Ignasi

Studying tourism in Barcelona with the Sant Ignasi school assures you of high quality training that will provide you with a place in tourism thanks to the professional and personal excellence that characterizes its graduates, since it not only focuses on tourism but also on the management of companies and in the correct learning of hospitality to guarantee personalized attention.

Additionally, this school is committed to its students by establishing collaboration programs for student and graduate projects thanks to its collaboration with tourism and hospitality companies; this also ensures a quick job insertion into the environment.


Delena is a business group that belongs to OCA GLOBAL and that allows studying tourism in Barcelona with excellent quality training thanks to its more than 30 years in the sector, with qualified certification and adequate inspection which ensures that its methods are updated and adapted to the current needs of the tourist area.

Best of all, most of their training plans are subsidized, so from the start you can earn some money to promote employability and increase the completion rate of studies with optimized continuous training.

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